“Angelo”, Soft Pastel


Little Angelo was a Maltese x Chichuahua x Yorkie x some other small thing. No one knew what exactly was in Angelo, or in his parents or in theirs.

Angelo was tiny, tense and tearful. He always had a soft toy, which he would claw like a cat, while whining and moaning. His little eyes would close, and he would go into what looked like a trance. Eventually, he would fall asleep on his soggy, chewed up toy.

When Angelo wasn’t moaning with his toy, he would walk around and whine, incessantly.

He was a super cute dog. Very loving and loyal and cuddly, but only with his owner. If anyone else tried to pick him up, and he would go as stiff as an uncooked macaroni and growl.

RIP little Angelo. You were a real character!